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Br. Kevin Coffey Appointed as Director of Vocations

M. Mountin

LISLE, Ill. – Br. Kevin Coffey, a member of the Benedictine community of St. Procopius since 2000, has been appointed as the Director of Vocations by Abbot Austin Murphy, OSB. The appointment was made in July of 2022, when the Abbot regularly makes the appointments of the members of the community.

Br. Kevin, a native of southern Maryland, replaces Br. Guy Jelinek, who recently completed his second term as vocation director. In total, Br. Guy had served in the vocations role for 27 years.

In addition to his role as vocation director, Br. Kevin will continue his work as an accomplished artist. He previously created the arts program at Benet Academy, teaching fine arts and studio classes at Benet Academy.

“One of Br. Kevin's strengths as vocation director is that he appreciates what motivates young men to discern a religious vocation,” said Abbot Austin. “Such men are seeking to serve the Lord in a wholehearted, courageous way.”

Members of the larger community will have a chance to hear more from Br. Kevin, as we launch a new video series highlighting his experience and thoughts on discerning a vocation to religious life.

You can check out Br. Kevin’s artwork on his Facebook page, at:


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