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New Website

M. Mountin

Welcome to our new website! It has been re-designed as a first step in a larger social media initiative here at St. Procopius Abbey. We want to use social media to promote the faith. Thus, in addition to providing information about news and events at the Abbey, the new website does three things.

First, it provides a general audience with spiritual helps from our Benedictine tradition. These helps are featured on the homepage under the heading, "The Faith." You will find here materials to read, listen to, and view. There are also times for Mass and common prayer as well as a sign-up for Fr. James' Newsletter and a link to our guesthouse.

The next section on the homepage is titled, "The Life," and it features resources for those who wish to delve deeper into what the Benedictine tradition has to offer our Catholic faith. This section has information on the Rule of St. Benedict, the Benedictine Charism, Liturgy of the Hours, lectio divina, fighting temptation (by way of the Medal of St. Benedict), and the Structured Life Movement (which promotes the use of observances and other structures to help in the spiritual life). There is also a link to the Oblates of our monastery as well as a link to our most famous oblate, Servant of God Dorothy Day.

Finally, under the heading, "The Call," is information for those considering a vocation to be a Benedictine monk at St. Procopius Abbey. Here are found a link to the Vocation Director, vocation stories, brief profiles of the monks, information about the life and work of the monks, and information about upcoming discernment retreats.

Pray for our new undertaking, so that "in all things God may be glorified" (1 Peter 4:11, also Rule of St. Benedict 57.9).


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